Therapy with my Mom
Therapy with my Mom
Healing Developmental Trauma Ft. Amanda Ann Gregory
Trauma can be considered both single event and complex. When it is complex you need a trained professional like Amanda Ann Gregory to help you heal. Listen in this week as Amanda teaches us through her experience and writing and helps us begin the healing process of our developmental traumas. We learn how trauma can truly affect everyone differently and some techniques that could work such as blending Somatic Work and EMDR!
Hosted by: Ryan & Julee Barkauskas
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IG: @Ryanbarkauskas
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Track: November by Hydroferric
Watch: https://youtu.be/t6Z04fhQcHs
Free Download/Stream: https://www.toneden.io/freetousemusic...
Hosted by: Ryan & Julee Barkauskas
Follow Ryan on Social Media!
IG: @Ryanbarkauskas
Follow Therapy with my Mom!
IG: @Therapywithmymom
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/therapywithmymom
Twitter: @Therapywithmymom
Email us with topic suggestions or stories we can share on the show!
---- Music Credits
Music from https://freetousemusic.com/
"Joy" by Limujii